Support program for impact investment in Colombia
delivers $750,000 in debut year

Government of Canada-backed initiative is strengthening impact-driven businesses, rural area development in Colombia, and addressing climate change, biodiversity, and gender equality.

4 min readNov 7, 2023
SVX Colombia celebrates PAIIC progress, November 2023

BOGOTÁ, November 7th, 2023 — The Program of Support for Impact Investment in Colombia (PAIIC), developed by SVX, SVX Mexico, and SVX Colombia with the support of the Government of Canada is boosting the impact investment ecosystem in Colombia. In its first year of operation, PAIIC disbursed a total of $750,000 to 15 participants comprised of five funds, four acceleration programs, and six enterprises. The program’s achievements reflect a strong commitment to building a diverse impact investment ecosystem in Colombia.

Impact investment refers to investment opportunities that offer both financial returns and positive social and/or environmental impact. PAIIC aims to provide capital and capacity strengths to investment vehicles, accelerators, enterprises, investors, and other stakeholders seeking to initiate or scale their impact. The program’s key areas cover gender equality, climate action, and rural area development.

“The impact investment ecosystem in Colombia is deep, vibrant, and growing,” shares Adam Spence, founder and CEO of SVX. “Investors, entrepreneurs, and intermediaries who want to learn together and be part of our PAIIC program have witnessed the power of collaboration. Furthermore, Colombia has the opportunity to learn from the experiences of other impact investment markets around the world (including Canada) and learn from their lessons to promote the growth of this ecosystem.”

PAIIC operates across several core pillars, its first pillar is dedicated to enhancing and nurturing innovative financing initiatives. Under this, PAIIC worked with ten management teams to strengthen their capacity in investment vehicle management, of which five received non-repayable resources to finance the structuring of their vehicles. Its second pillar, centered on strengthening acceleration programs and enterprises with impact business models, allowed four accelerators to improve their acceleration methodologies with a gender focus, preparing over 500 Colombian companies for investment while providing education on climate action, investment readiness, and gender equality. Lastly, six enterprises were selected to receive support in financial, legal, administrative, and operational areas, strengthening their ability to generate positive impact.

“A project like PAIIC has the best scenario for success in Colombia,” says Marianick Tremblay, Ambassador of Canada in Colombia. “The country has strong enterprises, robust institutions, and numerous organizations committed to the social and environmental development of the country. This is added to an international community willing to support the acceleration of transformative processes. That’s why my call is to join efforts, coordinate, create synergies around this purpose, and seize this great opportunity to grow impact investment in the country.”

PAIIC has collaborated with government agencies and local partners such as NAB Colombia, Azaí Consultores, Innpactia, Goméz — Pinzón, and Uniandinos, among others in its mission to continue energizing, strengthening, and connecting the ecosystem. SVX recognizes the potential of impact investments in Colombia and is committed to their development in the country.

Calls for Application

Since October 10, PAIIC has opened two new calls for applications:

Accelerators for Impact in Colombia target acceleration programs with proven experience in accelerating impact-based ventures, established connections with financing for accelerated companies, and a focus on gender equity or climate action in rural areas of Colombia. Beneficiaries of this call will receive non-repayable resources of up to $50,000 to co-finance their acceleration program and technical assistance to strengthen it.

Enterprises for Impact in Colombia is geared towards enterprises in Colombia with impact-driven models, particularly those led or founded by women. The program accepts enterprises planning to seek funding rounds in the next 12 months and focuses on addressing social or environmental challenges. Selected participants of this call will receive non-repayable resources of up to $25,000 to scale their impact model and technical assistance to strengthen their business model.

Both application windows will be open until November 17. For questions, email

About SVX

SVX is a nonprofit, diversified financial services firm driving impact for investors, organizations, funds, and enterprises. We provide knowledge and insights, advisory solutions, fund solutions, an investment platform and services for investors, and systems change solutions. We work across sectors that deliver meaningful impact: climate action, health, education, food, equity, housing and impact real estate, helping investors find and make impact investments and issuers raise impact capital.

We work with issuers from place-based impact investing funds to community power co-operatives producing renewable energy to charitable organizations tackling mental health and addictions. We work with all investors, from foundations and family offices to everyday investors, to help them identify opportunities and to support their decision-making efforts so they can match their money with meaning.

SVX is regulated by the Ontario Securities Commission and is registered as an Exempt Market Dealer (EMD) in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Québec. We have partners and operations across Canada, as well as in the US, Mexico, and Colombia. For more information about SVX, please visit:

Media Contacts

Paula Delgadillo

SVX Colombia Project Manager | SVX Colombia

Sharon Hernandez

Canadian Embassy in Colombia




SVX is a financial services firm & impact investing platform connecting ventures, funds, and investors to catalyze investment capital for impact. #ImpInv#SocEnt