Get on the Impact Map

SVX is issuing a Call for Products for its new impact investing platform

5 min readSep 19, 2023
SVX 3.0 Platform — Call for Products graphic feature world image at night lit up in space.
Submit your products at

Are you looking to raise impact capital?

We are looking for funds, bonds, and other private offerings for Canada’s largest directory of impact investments.

SVX was founded on the premise of a need to build a single access point for impact investment opportunities. In pursuit of this vision, we are developing a comprehensive, universal database of all private impact offerings currently available to Canadian investors, complemented by a smaller, qualified set of opportunities known as Impact Index+.

So why are we embarking on this journey?

We see a significant need and opportunity for a new impact map for Canada:

  1. Market Growth: The Canadian impact investing market is seeing rapid growth, with over $20 billion in Canadian assets seeking impact investments — a number seeing a steady annual increase.
  2. Investor Demand: Demand from impact investors far exceeds current supply and service offerings. From foundations to faith-based organizations, more and more investors are dedicating a portion or even all of their portfolios to impact investing. Initiatives like the Social Finance Fund are also driving demand.
  3. Issuer Supply: There is a large and growing pool of potential issuers, from funds to bonds and other innovative financing products.
  4. Product Availability: Impact investors (alongside managers and advisors) face significant challenges finding and accessing impact investing products.
  5. Incremental vs. Transformational Change: Although we are generating positive impact, our platform business offering is having an incremental effect on the impact and mainstream system. The current issuer/investor/platform offering is not aligned with our long-term vision of all investments being impact investments.

Over the past few years, our extensive market research and work in the field identified the need for a new approach that bridges the gap between investors and issuers, addresses information gaps, and enhances transparency to create a more efficient impact ecosystem.

For investors, finding impact investments in Canada is like trying to shop at farm markets. It involves multiple trips to multiple destinations. Locations are not easy to find. When you arrive, only one type of product is available. Offerings are seasonal, and they come and go. And you often need to be in the know via personal referrals or recommendations. There is no Google Maps.

Our new platform aims to change that by becoming a one-stop-shop for investors, making it easier and more efficient to browse and discover investments that suit their financial and impact needs. Products will be continually restocked and updated, and investors will have access to a range of supports including education, strategy, research, and other solutions to help them take that first or next step on their impact investing journey.

What is the universal online directory of impact investments in Canada?

Our directory will feature hundreds of private impact investment opportunities, from bonds to private equity funds with national reach from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Acting as an impact map of opportunities, it will be a searchable database accessible to Canadian impact investors.

What is Impact Index+?

Impact Index+ will be a curated subset of qualified and vetted private impact investment offerings as recommended by an Advisory Group of industry professionals. This set of opportunities will be announced semi-annually and showcased on the platform. These issuers must meet a set of additional, in-depth criteria related to management and governance, impact, finances, and equity.

What is the criteria to post on the SVX 3.0 Platform?

Prospective organizations, enterprises, or funds looking to post their opportunities must initially meet the minimum platform requirements:

  • Impact sector alignment with social, environmental, and economic impact focus
  • Investment size/scale with at least $2 million in capital being sought.
  • Investment structures exclusively within the private or exempt market domain, encompassing private equity, debt, mixed private structures, and not limited to funds, bonds, and outcomes-based financing tools. Please note that at this time, we are not seeking direct venture equity opportunities (eg. common shares in for-profit businesses).
  • Investment availability, Issuers currently in a capital-raising phase or those planning to initiate one in the next 6–12 months.
  • Canadian domiciled, eligible for Canadian investors (impact not necessary in Canada).

What is the criteria for Impact Index+?

For issuers who wish to qualify as an Impact Index+ offering, there are an additional set of criteria:

  1. Management and Governance
  • Track Record: Demonstrated track record for active and established issuers or previous track record of team and partners for new and emerging issuers.
  • Team: Aligned team experience, skills and performance.

2. Impact: Management and Standards

  • Management: Impact management strategies, including impact measures.
  • Standards: Adherence to market-standard for impact. This may include a third-party standard or agreement to code of conduct.

3. Finances: Sustainability, Structure and Exit Strategy

  • Financial Sustainability: Strong financial model and potential for financial sustainability
  • Financial Return: Potential for financial return from concessionary, below-market, at-market, to above-market rate.
  • Exit Strategy: Clear strategies for exit that align with long-term impact and sustainability for issuer, investor(s) and community.

4. Equity: Racial and Gender Equity

  • Demonstrated commitment to advancing racial and gender equity within management, governance, and business operations

Why should I post on the SVX platform?

  • Gain Exposure: Join a league of trailblazers at the forefront of impact investing. With 200 impactful products already in the database and an existing network of hundreds of impact investors, your product will achieve significant reach in the Canadian impact investing community.
  • Put Yourself on the Impact Map: Your products will be on the largest repository of impact investment products in Canada. Get on the single access point for impact market information for asset owners, asset managers, researchers, and other key stakeholders in impact investing.
  • Foster Growth and Development: Get connected with like-minded actors in impact investing in Canada. Our network can foster collaborations, partnerships, shared learning, and feedback to drive your growth and development.

And the best part? There is no cost for issuers to post on the Platform.

When are you collecting this information and when will it be made available?

We will be collecting product information on an ongoing basis from issuers. For those interested in being a part of the inaugural Impact Index+ cohort, the deadline for applications is Monday, September 16th, 2024.

How do I participate?

Participating is easy. If you want to get on the Impact Map in Canada, follow these simple steps:

  • Visit the SVX website.
  • Upload your information (and documentation if you wish) in either official languages using our easy-to-use survey.

If you have any questions or if you need additional information, please reach out directly to us at We will be hosting information webinars in the weeks ahead. Look out for more information soon.

We invite you to chart your Impact Map with the SVX 3.0 Platform today!




SVX is a financial services firm & impact investing platform connecting ventures, funds, and investors to catalyze investment capital for impact. #ImpInv#SocEnt